Sutherland, Iowa City Council Meeting – January 6, 2025 – 7:00 PM – 110 Ash Street – Meeting Room
Sutherland, Iowa City Council Meeting – January 6, 2025 – 7:00 PM – 110 Ash Street – Meeting Room
Mayor Kay Gifford called the council meeting to order. Roll call showed council members present were: Nancy Kuehl, Tyler Draper and Bruce Engelke. Patrick Nelson and Johanna Homan were absent. Others present were Mari Radtke, Mark Shriver, Mikayla Mackery, Devon Jones, Rich Van Beek, and Amanda Vanderhoff.
A motion was made by Engelke seconded by Draper to approve the agenda, previous minutes and clerk’s report. Roll call: Ayes – Kuehl, Draper and Engelke. Absent: Nelson and Homan. Motion carried.
No Guests.
No Public Comments.
Council reviewed the bills. A motion was made by Draper seconded by Kuehl to pay the bills. Roll call: Ayes – Kuehl, Draper and Engelke. Absent: Nelson and Homan. Motion carried.
Economic Development did not meet in December.
There was no Library Report.
Chief Mark Shriver gave the Fire and Ambulance report. There were 13 ambulance calls and 2 fire calls. Chief Shriver wants to remind people to call dispatch if you are going to be doing a controlled burn. Josh Ries joined the Department. Chief Shriver will not be going for reelection this year. Elections for the new Fire Chief and Assistant Fire Chief will be held at the January 21, 2025 meeting. The Mayor and Council thanked Chief Shriver for his years of service. Chief Shriver wanted to thank PFT, Mark Drefke and J&K Insurance for their recent donations.
The Police Department was present for the Report. Chief Brent Koppie introduced each officer: Cain Junkman, Will Roder, Kenny Frank, Jake Dyslin and John Sells. They have a combined 98 years of experience. Officer Cain Junkman introduced his K-9 dog Oliver. Oliver is trained as a narcotic dog. The Department would like to adopt the 321 code (state traffic code) to use during traffic stops. The clerk will talk with the city attorney to get these proceedings started. Since the hiring of this Department, they have been able to get equipment donations including: 5 tasers and cartridges, 5 body cams, 2 stop sticks, 3 defibrillators, hand held radios, Narcan, and a partial donation for a car camera system. Also, Officer Junkman and Officer Roder donated material and time to construct a partition for the K-9 in the squad car. Chief Koppie said the volume of calls has gone down.
Communications and topics for discussion:
A motion was made by Draper seconded by Engelke to approve Resolution 2025-01: “Resolution Naming Depositories”. Roll Call: Ayes – Engelke, Draper, and Kuehl. Absent: Nelson and Homan. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Engelke seconded by Draper to approve Resolution 2025-02: “Resolution Adopting Investment Policy”. Roll Call: Ayes – Engelke, Draper, and Kuehl. Absent: Nelson and Homan. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Draper seconded by Kuehl to approve Resolution 2025-03: “Resolution Authorizing the City Clerk and Mayor to Pay Certain Claims Prior To Council Approval”. Roll Call: Ayes – Engelke, Draper, and Kuehl. Absent: Nelson and Homan. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Draper seconded by Engelke to approve Resolution 2025-04: “Resolution Authorizing Mayor, Mayor Pro-Tem, and City Clerk to Execute Certain Financial Institution Documents”. Roll Call: Ayes – Engelke, Draper, and Kuehl. Absent: Nelson and Homan. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Draper seconded by Kuehl to approve Resolution 2025-05: “Approving Bell-Times-Courier as the Official Publication for the City of Sutherland, Iowa”. Roll Call: Ayes – Engelke, Draper, and Kuehl. Absent: Nelson and Homan. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Draper seconded by Engelke to approve Resolution 2025-06: “A Resolution to Amend the Current Police Policy and Procedure Manual to Include a K-9 Policy”. Roll Call: Ayes – Engelke, Draper, and Kuehl. Absent: Nelson and Homan. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Draper seconded by Kuehl to approve Resolution 2025-07: “Resolution Entering into a 28E Agreement Between the Cities of Sutherland, Iowa and Calumet, Iowa”. Roll Call: Ayes – Engelke, Draper, and Kuehl. Absent: Nelson and Homan. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Draper seconded by Engelke to set a public hearing date for the Zoning Ordinance and FY25 Budget Amendment to February 3, 2025 at 7pm. Roll call: Ayes – Kuehl, Draper and Engelke. Absent: Nelson and Homan. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Kuehl seconded by Draper to set the Budget Workshop meeting to January 22, 2025 at 6 pm. All in favor. Motion carried.
Standing Committee Reports:
Water – 2,072,367 gallons. The issues at the water tower have been resolved.
Streets – No report.
Sanitation (sewer) – 2,330,000 gallons to the ponds. Rich has scheduled for the system to get recalibrated.
Town Property – The city is getting quotes for the windows at the library and fire station.
Park – no report.
Weeds and Debris – The city attorney is working on a property on Mason Street.
Lights – Councilmember Draper will check with MidAmerican to see if the light on Birch Street has been repaired.
Sanitary Service (garbage) – Rich will pick up Christmas trees and take them to the tree dump for residents.
A motion to adjourn was made by Draper seconded by Kuehl. All were in favor. Motion carried.
Mayor Kay Gifford
Amanda Vanderhoff City Clerk
Published in O’Brien County’s Bell-Times-Courier Jan 16, 2025
Sutherland, Iowa Bills 01/06/2025
R.L. Johannsen
rent $700.00
Marcus New
legals $225.40
Visual Edge IT
copier $37.36
Smith, Grigg, Shea, & Klinker
fees $1,505.00
Well Fargo
copier $79.00
fees $200.00
One Office Solution
spls $119.80
Blue Lake Websites
fees $238.99
fees $408.85
serv. $178.07
cell $61.14
fuel $231.76
Jack’s Uniforms
equip $399.95
Cain Junkman
reimburse GPS $275.00
Sioux Sales Company
equip $337.65
Car Go
fuel $56.94
serv. $38.10
MidAmerican Energy
service $50.53
cell $17.05
labs $16.50
Osceola Rural
water $4,877.13
billing $106.12
serv. $44.57
MidAmerican Energy
serv $67.86
cell $17.05
billing $106.12
Town & Country
contract $5,826.70
Mid American
serv $34.40
BB $14.63
SL $10.00
Gordon Richter
snow removal $80.00
Cruz Electric
lights $3,397.99
service $175.00
Baker & Taylor
books $34.19
copier $155.95
Nancy Hill
mileage $18.00
spls $316.88
Cruz Electric
lights $4,570.00
serv. $70.46
Main Market
spls $66.72
MidAmerican Energy
St Lights $1,654.76
Shop $522.32
cell $17.04
fuel $281.47
Cruz Electric
lights $4,838.00
serv. $149.74
Main Market
spls $52.62
Sutherland Implement
spls $50.65
Sweeney’s Farm & Home
spls $400.75
service $204.78
cell $40.01
fuel $255.55
tires $1,575.96
Cruz Electric
lights $7,650.00
C&R Supply
tank $8,388.78
assist $646.16
serv. $90.42
Main Market
spls $188.65
Wellmark Bl Cross
health ins
RV $1,075.14 per month
TOTAL EXPENSES $174,782.37
General Fund $4,492.44
Road Use Tax $5,031.29
Economic Development $-
Debt Service $40,000.00
TIF $56,000.00
Police Fund $8,717.39
Water Fund $23,076.58
City Sign $-
Employee Benefits $2,955.13
Sewer Fund $9,754.20 Garbage Fund $7,004.98 Lib Cap Impr $- Library Fund $6,307.43 Fire & Ambulance Fund $8,996.64 $-
Park Fund $2,446.29 Emergency Fund $- Water Meter Project $-
General Fund $2,692.70
Road Use Tax $7,217.44
Economic Development $1,091.48
Debt Service $1,195.38
Tax Inc. Finance $3,896.70
Police Fund $4,238.24
Community $7,546.71
Insurance $1,826.89
Employee Benefits $260.99
Water Fund $2,914.44 Sewer Fund $2,534.47 Garbage Fund $1,299.73 Lib Cap Impr $- Library Fund $1,120.29 Library Reserve $20.00 Fire & Ambulance Fund $2,455.00 Fire & Ambulance Reserve $2,035.00 Park Fund $721.67 Franchise Tax $- Vehicle Reserve $2,980.70
Published in O’Brien County’s Bell-Times-Courier Jan 16, 2025