Primghar Community Playhouse Presents “Dorothy Meets Alice”

The Primghar Community Playhouse (PCP) will be performing Dorothy Meets Alice on November 15 and 16. The play is written by children’s playwrights Joseph Robinette and Karl Jurman and brought to life on the stage by director Paige Ginger and assistant director Betty Uittenbogaard. Mockingbird Hill Kettle Corn, run by Jeremy and Amy Rohwer, is generously providing the sponsorship to make this play possible.
Dorothy Meets Alice is an engaging play that combines two well-loved stories. When Judy (McKenley Top) puts off a book report until the last minute, she suddenly finds herself in a strange place somewhere between Oz and Wonderland, meeting Dorothy (Ali Kruse) and Alice (Brynlee Stoll). Judy has to unscramble the two stories and steer the familiar characters to their ultimate destinations while avoiding the Wicked Witch (Ameira Mazur) and the Red Queen (Sophia Meyer). Other beloved characters that are encountered along the way include the Mad Hatter (Hayden DeBoer), Tin Man (Parker DeBoer), Scarecrow (Kane Henningson), Lion (Grayson Rohwer), White Rabbit (Morgan Rohwer), and Dormice (Zachary Rohwer and Austin Rounds).
Tickets can be purchased at the door, cash or checks only. Student tickets are $5 each and adult tickets are $8 each. Performances are Friday November 15 and Saturday November 16. The curtain rises at 7:00pm both nights at the Primghar Community Building, 215 1st St. SE.