Wolverines take it up a notch in sweep over West Sioux

South O’Brien evened its War Eagle Conference record at 4-4 with a 3-0 sweep over West Sioux October 10 at Paullina. The set scores for the winners were 25-17, 25-19 and 25-16. The victory bumped the Wolverines’ season record to 7-13.
“Our girls played much better than they did on Tuesday,” stated South O’Brien head coach Amy Schmidt. “We were ready to play. We didn’t allow small mistakes to affect our ability to push forward. All of our hitters hit with positive efficiency and made better choices at the net. We had quite a few blocks and our overall defense was much improved from our last match. We had so much more energy and it showed. The girls looked and played like they were having fun!”
Raegan Plagge had seven kills in 19 attacks with no errors for a kill efficiency of .368. Chloe Hustedt notched a team-high 10 kills with .300 efficiency. Taylor Wulf supplied six kills and Reese Farquhar’s five kills came on .364 efficiency.
Lindsey Einck and Farquhar each contributed a solo block and Addi Hedberg dug up 17 Falcon attacks. The Wolverines served up eight aces. Hedberg was 20-of-21 with five ace serves and Plagge 18-of-18 with two aces.
South O’Brien Stats
Kills-Errors-Attempts (Kill Efficiency): Team 32-11-92 (.228), Taylor Wulf 6-4-23 (.087), Raegan Plagge 7-0-19 (.368), Chloe Hustedt 10-4-20 (.300), Lindsey Einck 1-1-5 (.000), Reese Farquhar 5-1-11 (.364), Tori Schueller 3-1-13 (.154), BreLee Rasmussen 0-0-1 (.000).
Digs: Team 71, Addi Hedberg 17, Hustedt 13, Ashlynn Gunnerson 11, Plagge 10, Farquhar 8, Abby Nelson, Wulf 4, Avery Halverson 3, Tori Schueller 1.
Blocks: Farquhar 1 solo, 1 assist, Lindsey Einck 1 solo, Plagge 2 assists, Wulf, Hustedt, Schueller 1 assist.
Serving (Efficiency): Team 63-72 (.875) 8 aces, Wulf 7-8 (.875), Plagge 18-18 (1.000) 2 aces, Gunnerson 9-10 (.900), Hustedt 4-6 (.667) 1 ace, Hedberg 20-21 (.952) 5 aces, Farquhar 2-5 (.400), Abby Woodall 2-3 (.667), Rasmussen 1-1 (1.000).