Sutherland, Iowa City Council Meeting – October 7, 2024 – 7:00 PM 110 Ash Street Meeting Room
Mayor Kay Gifford called the public hearing for the FY2025 Budget Amendment to order. Roll call showed council members present were: Patrick Nelson, Johanna Homan, Nancy Kuehl, Bruce Engelke, and Tyler Draper. Others present were: Isaac Cruz, Dennis Fogleman, Elaine French, Mari Radtke, Mark Shriver, Richard Van Beek, Brent Koppie, and Amanda Vanderhoff. There were no comments or questions. A motion was made by Nelson seconded by Engelke to adjourn from the public hearing. Roll call: Ayes – Nelson, Homan, Kuehl, Engelke, and Draper. Motion carried.
Mayor Kay Gifford called the council meeting to order. Roll call showed council members present were: Patrick Nelson, Johanna Homan, Nancy Kuehl, Bruce Engelke, and Tyler Draper. Others present were: Isaac Cruz, Dennis Fogleman, Elaine French, Mari Radtke, Mark Shriver, Richard Van Beek, Brent Koppie, and Amanda Vanderhoff.
A motion was made by Draper seconded by Homan to approve the agenda, previous minutes, and clerk’s report. Roll call: Ayes – Nelson, Homan, Kuehl, Engelke, and Draper. Motion carried.
No Guests.
Public comments: Dennis Fogelman addressed council with his concerns about the alley by his house and the need for a truck route.
A few questions were asked on the bills. A motion was made by Nelson seconded by Engelke to pay current bills. Roll call: Ayes – Nelson, Homan, Kuehl, Engelke, and Draper. Motion carried.
Economic Development Report was given by Nelson. The Board discussed sewer development at the William’s Addition. They received a bid from R1 Excavating that will be discussed at the next meeting. They also discussed planting alfalfa on the remaining lots, after the current renter’s lease is up, for easier development. The Board was approached by someone who wants to build a multi-residential property on an Industrial Park lot. The clerk will look into this.
Library Report was given by Johanna Homan. She read through the Director’s Report.
Fire and Ambulance Report was given by Chief Mark Shriver. They had 2 ambulance calls. Jared Johnson is going to meet with the Board of Supervisors to talk to them about a burn ban. The Department has contacted farmers to see if they will help with putting out field fires.
Chief Brent Koppie gave the Police Report. He attended a mental health conference in Des Moines. The Department has seen an increase in service calls. All the MMPIs have been completed. Chief Koppie said he will continue to update the evidence storage, look into new body cameras, try to start a county Chief meeting once month and contact Calumet about service calls.
Communications and topics for discussion:
A motion was made by Nelson seconded by Draper to approve the MidAmerican/Cruz Electric lighting update. Roll call: Ayes – Nelson, Homan, Kuehl, Engelke, and Draper. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Nelson seconded by Kuehl to set the date for opening bids for the tornado slide to November 4, 2024. All in favor. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Nelson seconded by Homan to approve the liquor license for Sweeney’s Clubhouse. All in favor. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Nelson seconded by Draper to approve Resolution 2024-32: Resolution Amending the Current Budget for the Fiscal Year Ending on June 30, 2025. Roll call: Ayes – Engelke, Nelson, Draper, Kuehl, and Homan. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Draper seconded by Nelson to reset the date for the Industrial Park Farm land to November 4, 2024. All in favor. Motion carried.
Standing Committee Reports:
Water: 1,738,965 gallons.
Streets: The clerk is waiting on Blacktop Services and Fuller & Sons to get quotes for street repairs this spring. The clerk will call The Concrete Guys to see about repairing the street by the Church of Christ at the same time they repair Washington Street.
Sanitation (sewer): 1,367,000 gallons. Rich thinks the sewer system needs recalibrated. The budget amendment included manhole repairs.
Town Property: The clerk called Schwebach Tree Service to schedule some more tree removals after winter. The Park board will discuss the pavers at the maintenance shed.
Park: Council decided to hire a company to install the new slide. The clerk will post for bids on snow removal at the park.
Weed and Debris: The woodpile on Ash Street will be gone by winter.
Lights: No report.
Sanitary Landfill: No report.
A motion was made by Draper seconded by Homan to adjourn. All were in favor. Motion carried.
Mayor Kay Gifford
Amanda Vanderhoff City Clerk
Published in O’Brien County’s Bell-Times-Courier Oct. 17, 2024
Sutherland, Iowa
Bills 10/7/2024
R.L. Johannsen
rent $600.00
Smith, Grigg, Shea & Klinker
legal fees $532.00
Wells Fargo
copier $79.00
Marcus New
legals $390.66
One Office Solution
spls $135.65
Visual Edge IT
copier $34.90
serv $169.86
O’Brien Co Treas
prop tax $633.00
A1 Portable
toilet 135.00
cell $59.35
fuel $66.04
Jack’s Uniforms
equip $100.00
Sioux Sales Company
equip $200.38
serv $38.04
mmpi-2 $600.00
fuel $81.95
MidAmerican Energy
service $67.93
cell $16.45
labs $16.50
utility bills $105.84
repairs $2,982.25
serv $39.46
Osceola Rural
water $4,110.42
Ferguson Waterworks
service fee $1,996.28
MidAmerican Energy
serv $52.52
cell $16.45
utility bills $105.84
labs $161.75
Town & Country
contract $5,826.70
NW IA Area Solid Waste
tonnage $1,203.18
Mid American
serv $51.66
BB $46.67
SL $10.00
LC $4.33
LD $6.37
fuel $86.24
service $211.00
Baker & Taylor
books $100.31
copier $89.67
computer $699.00
Bird Seed, LLC
grass seed $219.95
chem app $132.91
spls $215.34
Swank Licensing
movies $475.00
serv $70.31
spls $15.00
MidAmerican Energy
St Lights $1,659.66
Shop $156.47
cell $16.45
fuel $237.05
repairs $1,783.62
Paullina Hardware
spls $117.64
spls $290.31
spls $174.95
serv $149.62
Sweeney’s Farm & Home
spls $38.97
service $187.21
cell $40.01
fuel $192.32
City of Paullina
serv $700.00
serv $90.36
Mercy Med Service
phys $252.00
Wellmark Bl Cross
health ins –
RV $1,075.14 per month
Landon Lenhart $400.00
Luke Lenhart $100.00
Jeremy Burdt $10.00
Mark Shriver $240.00
Gail Mauer $80.00
Sheri Drefke $140.00
Walter Kummerfeld $20.00
Brian Gunnerson $140.00
Steve Loshman $30.00
Bianca Shriver $180.00
Todd Fuller $20.00
Scott Waggoner $70.00
Devon Jones $200.00
Fernando Rodriguez $110.00
Paul Hibbing $20.00
Rich Van Beek $40.00
Blake Morris $20.00
General Fund $4,773.26
Road Use Tax $10,749.04
Economic Development $7,500.00
Insurance $-
TIF $-
Police Fund $4,864.41
Water Fund $7,309.95
City Sign $-
Employee Benefits $2,186.24
Sewer Fund $3,393.56 Garbage Fund $7,445.38 Lib Cap Impr $- Library Fund $3,240.12 Fire & Ambulance Fund $1,391.44 $-
Park Fund $13,577.62 Emergency Fund $- Water Meter Project $-
General Fund $3,440.54
Road Use Tax $9,992.45
Economic Development $1,640.85
Debt Service $1,090.06
Tax Inc. Finance $1,031.28
Police Fund $7,126.39
Community $6,566.62
Insurance $1,905.07
Employee Benefits $272.15
Water Fund $1,347.37
Sewer Fund $1,281.65 Garbage Fund $657.25 Lib Cap Impr $- Library Fund $859.83 Library Reserve $20.00 Fire & Ambulance Fund $- Fire & Ambulance Reserve $175.00
Park Fund $460.42
Franchise Tax $-
City Sign $39.00
Published in O’Brien County’s Bell-Times-Courier Oct. 17, 2024