Time and Place of Sale: Sealed bids or electronic bids for the sale of General Obligation School Bonds, Series 2024, of the South O’Brien Community School District, in the Counties of O’Brien, Cherokee, and Clay, State of Iowa (the “Issuer”), will be received at the office of the Superintendent until 1:00 P.M. on October 21, 2024. The bids will be publicly opened at that time and evaluated by the Superintendent, Board Secretary and Municipal Advisor and referred for action at the meeting of the Board of Directors.
Sale and Award: The sale and award of the bonds will be held at the Board meeting scheduled on the same date.
The Bonds. The bonds to be offered are the following:
general obligation school bondS, SERIES 2024, in the principal amount of not to exceed $8,935,000 to be dated the date of delivery (the “Bonds”).
*Subject to principal adjustment per the Terms of Offering
Manner of Bidding: Open bids will not be received. No bid will be received after the time specified above for receiving bids. Bids will be received by any of the following methods:
• Sealed Bidding: Sealed bids or electronic proposals may be submitted and will be received at the office of the Superintendent, South O’Brien Community School District, Paullina, Iowa.
• Electronic Bidding: Electronic bids via PARITY® will be received at the office of the Superintendent, South O’Brien Community School District, Paullina, Iowa. The bids must be submitted through PARITY®.
Official Statement: The Issuer has issued an Official Statement of information pertaining to the Bonds to be offered, including a statement of the Terms of Offering and an Official Bid Form, which is incorporated by reference as a part of this notice. The Official Statement may be obtained by request addressed to the Secretary of the Board of Directors, South O’Brien Community School District, 216 S. Rutledge, Paullina, Iowa 51046; Telephone: 712-986-2115; or Matt Gillaspie, Piper Sandler & Co., 3900 Ingersoll, Suite 110, Des Moines, Iowa 50312; Telephone: 515-247-2353.
Terms of Offering: All bids must be in conformity with and the sale must be in accordance with the Terms of Offering as set forth in the Official Statement.
Legal Opinion: Bonds will be sold subject to the opinion of Ahlers & Cooney, P.C., Attorneys of Des Moines, Iowa, as to the legality and their opinion will be furnished together with the printed bonds without cost to the purchaser and all bids will be so conditioned. Except to the extent necessary to issue their opinion as to the legality of the Bonds, the attorneys will not examine or review or express any opinion with respect to the accuracy or completeness of documents, materials or statements made or furnished in connection with the sale, issuance or marketing of the Bonds.
Rights Reserved: The right is reserved to reject any or all bids, and to waive any irregularities as deemed to be in the best interests of the public.
By order of the Board of Directors of the South O’Brien Community School District in the Counties of O’Brien, Cherokee, and Clay, State of Iowa.
/s/ AAron Giese
Secretary of the Board of Directors of the
South O’Brien Community School District
Published in O’Brien County’s Bell-Times-Courier October 3, 2024