Archer Council Hears Property Proposal
by Mari Radtke
The Archer Council rearranged the agenda schedule to allow presenters to exit the meeting without a lengthy stay.
Kiana Johnson, O’Brien County Economic Development Director gave her annual report to the council. Archer has been a member since the organization was founded in 1994. It is celebrating 35 years. She included information about Archer representation through the years and the organizations performance through the same time. Each of the committees developed and the associated activity was shared and the current individuals leading those committees. The various social media accounts traffic was disclosed and the visitor cell phone data once again showed that Mondays brings more visitors than Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday.
Jeremy Rohwer came to disclose a project he is considering and the possibility of purchasing a lot in Archer to start his packaged popcorn project. He made no specific request of the city but thought he would firm up his plans and potentially return with a specific request.
Shannon and Jimmy Varley are new to Archer and to Iowa. Shannon owns a property on Fletcher that experienced significant basement flooding in June. Their conversations provided them with a lot of historical conjecture about tile lines running through the property, having both water lines into the property and a well as well as sewer lines left them confused. The unsubstantiated information was addressed. Through a lengthy discussion with council they were provided with more factual information and options they can pursue to minimize any future flooding experience.
Council approved the 2nd reading of a garbage rate increase and waived the third reading. Once the new ordinance is posted the new rate will become effective.
A resolution to approve street closures for the American Reformed Church block party was approved. The closures and block party will be held Wednesday September 11 outside the church from 5:00-9:00pm. Details are still being worked out.