Paullina Pickleball League Donates to South O’Brien PE Program

Paullina’s newly founded indoor pickleball league players have rallied together to support the South O’Brien PE Department. The more than 25 members of the pickleball league donated funds to purchase 2 new regulation pickleball nets and $285 for new equipment.
Pickleball, a rapidly growing sport known for community building, has captured the interest of players of all ages. Several players in the South O’Brien area have joined leagues and played in Sheldon, Granville, and Okoboji in recent years. With the growing interest, Paullina natives Jill Rausch and Kris Faust put some ideas together to form an indoor league in Paullina. With the joint effort of South O’Brien PE teachers Kevin Poeckes and Brant Goodchild, the league was established this spring. League organizer Jill Rausch said, “We saw a need in our community, and partnering with South O’Brien school seemed to be a win-win for both.”
The Paullina Pickup Pickleball League began in late March, running for 8 weeks. Players gathered in the west gym at South O’Brien High School on Wednesdays from 6:30-8:30 pm. They used 4 nets and the courts the PE teachers had taped off for PE classes. “The timing worked out well since PE classes were learning to play pickleball at the same time,” said Kris Faust, one of the league organizers.
Anywhere from 20-30 players took to the courts on any given night. It wasn’t uncommon to see 20-year-olds playing with 70-year-olds on the same court. What set the league apart was its inclusive nature. Newcomers were welcomed, and seasoned players willingly offered tips and encouragement. “It was great to watch experienced players teach beginners the tricks of the game,” Faust said.
Combining elements of tennis, badminton, and table tennis, pickleball provides a fitness experience suitable for players of varying ages and skill levels. The pickup league offered players opportunities to join in when they wanted to play or to take a rest until a court opened up. The doubles matches were played to 11 points.
“We appreciate the Paullina Pickleball League for their thoughtful donation. We can use this donation to purchase updated equipment,” said PE teacher Kevin Poeckes.
Given the turnout for this year’s league, Faust and Rausch intend to organize the league again next year.