Sutherland, Iowa, City Council Meeting – April 1, 2024 – 7:30 PM – 110 Ash Street Meeting Room
Mayor Kay Gifford called the public hearing for The City of Sutherland to Enter into a Revised Contract with Douglas Sweeney to order. Roll call showed council members present were: Patrick Nelson, Johanna Homan, Nancy Kuehl, Bruce Engelke, and Tyler Draper. Others present were Mari Radtke, Mark Shriver, Rich Van Beek, and Amanda Vanderhoff. There were no questions or comments. A motion was made by Nelson seconded by Draper to adjourn from the public hearing. All in favor. Motion carried.
Mayor Kay Gifford called the council meeting to order. Roll call showed council members present were: Patrick Nelson, Johanna Homan, Nancy Kuehl, Bruce Engelke, and Tyler Draper. Others present were Mari Radtke, Mark Shriver, Rich Van Beek, and Amanda Vanderhoff.
A motion was made by Engelke seconded by Homan to approve the agenda and previous minutes. All in favor. Motion carried.
No guests.
No public comments.
Council reviewed the bills and asked a few questions. A motion was made by Nelson seconded by Draper to pay the bills. Roll call: Ayes – Nelson, Homan, Kuehl, Engelke, and Draper. Motion carried.
The Economic Development Report was given by Nelson. Mari Radtke met with the Board at the last meeting to discuss what website services they provide for advertising. They are still discussing new signs to advertise the lots at the Industrial Park. Economic Development is trying to think of new ways to become more involved during Labor Day weekend.
Council read through the report provided by Director Nancy Hill. The clerk was able to contact the Iowa Department of Inspections, Appeals, & Licensing about the repairs on the back door. The repairs to the door need to be ADA complaint as in hardware, closers and with the correct closing force. A ramp or a lift does not need to be installed at this time.
Fire and Ambulance Report was given by Chief Mark Shriver. There were 15 ambulance calls and 1 fire call. Fireman’s Bingo will be on April 20th from 6 – 9pm. The Department will be out selling tickets the night of April 16th. Tickets are also available at the door. The Ambulance Department has expressed concern about doing transfers out of the nursing home. With the limited number of EMT volunteers, they would like to keep calls to emergency only. The clerk will contact the attorney on this. Chief Shriver told council that one of the tankers is leaking and will need repaired.
Officer Adam McQueen was not present. He had 19 calls last month.
Communications and topics for discussion:
A motion was made by Nelson seconded by Homan to approve Resolution 2024-11: Adopting the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Budget. Roll call: Ayes – Engelke, Nelson, Draper, Kuehl, and Homan. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Nelson seconded by Draper to approve Resolution 2024-12: Resolution Directing Sale & Authorizing the City of Sutherland to Enter into a Contract and Convey Real Estate Owned by the City of Sutherland. Roll call: Ayes – Nelson, Homan, Kuehl, Engelke, and Draper. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Nelson seconded by Engelke to approve Resolution 2024-13: Resolution Approving Executed Revised Contract. Roll call: Ayes – Nelson, Homan, Kuehl, Engelke, and Draper. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Engelke seconded by Homan to approve Resolution 2024-14: Resolution to Authorize the City of Sutherland to Enter into a Contract for Real Estate Owned by The City of Sutherland and Fixing a Date on the Hearing Thereof. Roll call: Ayes – Nelson, Homan, Kuehl, Engelke, and Draper. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Nelson seconded by Engelke to approve Resolution 2024-15: Resolution to Authorize the City of Sutherland to Enter into a Contract for Real Estate Owned by The City of Sutherland and Fixing a Date on the Hearing Thereof. Roll call: Ayes – Nelson, Homan, Kuehl, Engelke, and Draper. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Engelke seconded by Draper to set a public hearing date for an amendment of current budget for May 6, 2024 at 7:00 pm. All in favor. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Draper seconded by Engelke to approve O’Brien County Community Foundation Grant letters of support for the Willoway, Gen N.B. Baker Library, Sutherland Park, Sutherland Police Department, and Sutherland Fire and Ambulance. All in favor. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Nelson seconded by Draper to approve Steve Rienfield’s bid of $200.00 for the property at 103 Main Street. All in favor. Motion carried. Proceedings for that sale will start at the May meeting.
Council will give any question or concerns about the new zoning book to the Zoning Board.
Standing Committee Reports:
Water – purchased 1,894,540 gallons.
Streets – Rich has been patching the potholes. The clerk will call the county about the potholes on M12.
Sanitation (sewer) – 3,489,000 gallons to the ponds. Puhrmann Excavating brought over some crushed concrete to use around the lagoons.
Town Property – no report.
Park – The Board will be applying for the O’Brien County Community Foundation Grant for a new slide to replace the tornado slide. They are also getting a quote to replace the pea gravel with rubber mulch. A motion was made by Nelson seconded by Engelke to approve Tammy Sohn for the Seasonal Park Position. Roll call: Ayes – Nelson, Homan, Kuehl, Engelke, and Draper. Motion carried. The bus barn was discussed again. The clerk is waiting on a quote for the electrical.
Weeds and Debris – The clerk has started to send out letters to residents for property maintenance. Council informed her of a couple more residents in violation.
Lights – No report.
Sanitary Landfill – The HHM trailer is scheduled for April 26, 2024 from 9:00 – 11:00 am and Town Clean-up is scheduled for April 27, 2024 at 8 am.
A motion to adjourn was made by Nelson seconded by Draper. All were in favor. Motion carried.
Mayor Kay Gifford
Amanda Vanderhoff City Clerk
Published in O’Brien County’s Bell-Times-Courier April 11, 2024
Sutherland, Iowa
Bills 04/01/2024
R.L. Johannsen
rent $600.00
Marcus News
legals $387.41
serv $170.34 – Feb.
Visual Edge IT
copier $25.36
Office of Auditor
exam fee $1,500.00
Wells Fargo
copier $79.00
serv $37.93 – Feb.
fuel $305.38 – Feb
Iowa Dept of Public Safety
fees $600.00
MidAmerican Energy
serv $50.35
serv $39.31 – Feb.
cell $17.03
spls $31.49
mailing $100.44
hydrant $4,735.15
Judy Larsen
reimburse acct. $216.84
MidAmerican Energy
serv $81.26
cell $17.03
spls $31.45
mailing $100.43
Puhrmann Excavating
rock $711.90
Town and Country
contract $5,826.70
NW IA Solid Waste
tonnage $1,085.54 – Feb
Mid American
serv $35.92
BB $38.68
SL $10.00
spls $31.50
serv $190.00
serv $74.49 – Feb.
Main Market
spls $16.76
Archer Library
books $17.50
Nancy Hill
mileage $23.00
copier $102.36
Baker & Taylor
books $49.58
spls $153.02
MidAmerican Energy
St Lights $1,641.20
Shop $592.22
cell $17.04
serv $149.32 – Feb.
spls $61.89
serv $205.94
service $40.01
serv $90.76 – Feb.
paramedic assist/test $286.24 – Feb
Zoll Medical
equip $35,006.91
Spencer Hospital
assist $80.00
Alex Air Apparatus
spls $47.00
Sweeney’s Farm & Home
panels $2,810.60
Ahlers & Cooney
fees $153.00
spruce up mailings $165.36
One Office Solutions
spls $51.92
Wellmark Bl Cross
health ins –
RV $1,038.02 per month
AM $410.87 per month
Landon Lenhart 400
Luke Lenhart 180
Mark Shriver 250
Gail Mauer 130
Sheri Drefke 230
Walter Kummerfeld 120
Brian Gunnerson 190
Steve Loshman 50
Bianca Shriver 180
Todd Fuller 50
Scott Waggoner 90
Devon Jones 310
J&K INSURANCE $40,468.00