South O’Brien School District Board of Education Regular Meeting 10/23/2023 06:30 PM
South O’Brien School District
Board of Education Regular Meeting
10/23/2023 06:30 PM
Paullina Site Conference Room
“Preparing students to be responsible citizens and lifelong learners.”
Voting Members
Gina Paulsen, Board President
John Beck, Board Vice President
Brenda Kruse, Board Member
Sue McCauley, Board Member
Josh Rausch, Board Member
Beth Sibenaller-Woodall, Board Member
Non-Voting Members
Wade Riley, Superintendent
Aaron Giese, SBO/Board Secretary
Denise Phillips, JH/HS Principal
Jean Steen, Elementary Principal
A. Call to Order
Board Vice President John Beck called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM.
B. Roll Call and Declaration of Quorum
Board members Josh Rausch, Beth Sibenaller-Woodall, Sue McCauley, and John Beck were present in person, while Brenda Kruse joined via Zoom. President Gina Paulsen joined the meeting prior to agenda item F.3. Richard Radtke was absent. Quorum established.
C. Adoption of Agenda
Motion made by: Sue McCauley
Motion seconded by: Beth Sibenaller-Woodall
Gina Paulsen – Not Present
John Beck – Yes
Brenda Kruse – Yes
Sue McCauley – Yes
Josh Rausch – Yes
Beth Sibenaller-Woodall – Yes
Motion carried.
D. Welcome and Delegation
- Citizens who have a place on the agenda may address the board on an issue of their concern during the discussion of that issue. Citizens who do not have a place on the agenda may address the board on any issue of their concern during the open forum of the regular meeting.
- Open Forum: The board may allow up to five minutes for citizens to discuss school matters with the board. Personnel matters are not to be discussed by or considered by the board until adequately considered by the administration.
- The open meeting law requires the posting of the board agenda more than 24 hours prior to the scheduled meeting. Topics not included on the agenda may be added only if good cause exists requiring expeditious discussion and/or emergency action on such matters.
E. Consider Consent Items - Minutes of Previous Meetings
Motion made by: Sue McCauley
Motion seconded by: Josh Rausch
Gina Paulsen – Not Present
John Beck – Yes
Brenda Kruse – Yes
Sue McCauley – Yes
Josh Rausch – Yes
Beth Sibenaller-Woodall – Yes
Motion carried. - Financial Reports
a. Financial Statements
Board Secretary/SBO Aaron Giese provided the board with commentary on the school financials including receipts and expenditures, fund balances, and upcoming items to look for.
Motion made by: Beth Sibenaller-Woodall
Motion seconded by: John Beck
Gina Paulsen – Not Present
John Beck – Yes
Brenda Kruse – Yes
Sue McCauley – Yes
Josh Rausch – Yes
Beth Sibenaller-Woodall – Yes
Motion carried.
b. Consider Payment of Invoices
Board Secretary/SBO Aaron Giese highlighted some invoices and expenditures for the month and answered questions posed by board members.
Motion made by: Sue McCauley
Motion seconded by: Josh Rausch
Gina Paulsen – Not Present
John Beck – Yes
Brenda Kruse – Yes
Sue McCauley – Yes
Josh Rausch – Yes
Beth Sibenaller-Woodall – Yes
Motion carried.
F. Reports - FY22 Audit Report
SBO/Board Secretary Aaron Giese presented the Fiscal Year 2022 audit findings to the board and answered questions posed by board members. - Certified Enrollment
Superintendent Wade Riley updated the board on the district’s certified enrollment which was submitted to the Department of Education earlier this month. - Reports by Directors/Administrators
a. Directors
Superintendent Wade Riley presented information to the board from the directors of the district including buildings, transportation, maintenance, nutrition, technology, and activities.
b. Elementary
Elementary principal Jean Steen presented an update to the board from the elementary including 21st-century skills, positive climate and culture, high performance and growth, facilities, and a recap of FAST data from the 2022-23 school year.
c. Secondary
Secondary principal Denise Phillips presented an update to the board from the secondary including 21st-century skills, positive climate and culture, high performance and growth, facilities, and classroom visits.
d. Superintendent
Superintendent Wade Riley updated the board on a number of issues including enrollment, the upcoming Revenue Purpose Statement vote, the hail insurance claim at the Paullina site, removal of ash trees on district property, and upcoming dates to watch for. - Recognition of Staff, Students and Patrons
See the school website and SO’ app for updates.
G. Board Committee Reports
H. Unfinished Business - Consider Approval of Second Reading of Board Policy Code 104 and 104-R(1)
Motion made by: Sue McCauley
Motion seconded by: Beth Sibenaller-Woodall
Unanimously Approved - Consider Approval of Second Reading of Board Policy Code 503.08
Motion made by: Beth Sibenaller-Woodall
Motion seconded by: John Beck
Unanimously Approved
I. New Business - Resolution Appointing Paying Agent, Bond Registrar, and Transfer Agent, Approving the Paying Agent, Bond Registrar and Transfer Agent Agreement, and Authorizing the Execution of Same
Motion made by: John Beck
Motion seconded by: Beth Sibenaller-Woodall
Gina Paulsen – Yes
John Beck – Yes
Brenda Kruse – Yes
Sue McCauley – Yes
Josh Rausch – Yes
Beth Sibenaller-Woodall – Yes
Motion carried. - Approval of Form of Tax Exemption Certificate
Motion made by: John Beck
Motion seconded by: Josh Rausch
Gina Paulsen – Yes
John Beck – Yes
Brenda Kruse – Yes
Sue McCauley – Yes
Josh Rausch – Yes
Beth Sibenaller-Woodall – Yes
Motion carried. - Approval of Continuing Disclosure Certificate
Motion made by: John Beck
Motion seconded by: Josh Rausch
Gina Paulsen – Yes
John Beck – Yes
Brenda Kruse – Yes
Sue McCauley – Yes
Josh Rausch – Yes
Beth Sibenaller-Woodall – Yes
Motion carried. - Resolution Amending the Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of Not to Exceed $17,000,000 General Obligation School Bonds, Series 2023, and Levying a Tax for the Payment Thereof
Motion made by: John Beck
Motion seconded by: Josh Rausch
Gina Paulsen – Yes
John Beck – Yes
Brenda Kruse – Yes
Sue McCauley – Yes
Josh Rausch – Yes
Beth Sibenaller-Woodall – Yes
Motion carried. - Consider Approval of First Reading of Board Policy Code 200 Series
Motion made by: Beth Sibenaller-Woodall
Motion seconded by: John Beck
Unanimously Approved - Consider Approval of Request for Allowable Growth and Supplemental Aid for Special Education Deficit
Motion made by: John Beck
Motion seconded by: Brenda Kruse
Unanimously Approved - Consider Approval of Superintendent’s Signature as Designee for Check Signature in Board President’s Absence
Motion made by: Sue McCauley
Motion seconded by: John Beck
Unanimously Approved - Consider Selection of Northwest Area Education Agency District 3 Director
Motion to register a vote for Roger Brinkert as Northwest AEA district 3 director.
Motion made by: Sue McCauley
Motion seconded by: John Beck
Unanimously Approved - Action on Superintendent’s Recommendation Regarding Student Readmission
Motion to accept the application for readmission of a student who was previously expelled by the Board for a quarter-long period on Monday, September 11, 2023. Student shall be readmitted effective on Monday, October 30, 2023, and the administration is directed to work with the student and family on the readmission process.
Motion made by: Beth Sibenaller-Woodall
Motion seconded by: Sue McCauley
Unanimously Approved
J. Personnel - Resignations
Cheyenne Morton – Elementary Paraprofessional
Motion made by: John Beck
Motion seconded by: Josh Rausch
Unanimously Approved - Employment of Staff
Beau Ruleaux – JH Boys Basketball Coach
Jonathon Hintz – Freshmen Boys Basketball Coach
Corey Aulenbach – JH/HS Custodian/Transportation Support
Motion made by: John Beck
Motion seconded by: Sue McCauley
Unanimously Approved
K. Communication - IASB Information
President Gina Paulsen and board member Sue McCauley encouraged others to check out the available resources on the IASB website and discussed the upcoming annual conference in November.
L. Talking Points
M. Adjournment
Motion made by: John Beck
Motion seconded by: Beth Sibenaller-Woodall
Unanimously Approved
The meeting was adjourned at 7:26 PM.
Published in O’Brien County’s Bell-Times-Courier Nov. 2 2023