Labor Day Adult Softball Tournament Fundraiser

An all day tournament was extended to early morning, 8:00am until sunset with an extra team entering the Saturday event. The last vehicle left at around 9:00pm. Each team paid a $100 registration fee.
The event was a double elimination tournament. Each team was required to field a minimum of 3 female players. Over the fence homeruns were limited to 4 per team per game. An hit outside the fence after 4 was an out. That kept the games moving.
The tournament was organized primarily by Amy and Bomber Fuller. The couple have a big role in the Sutherland Little League program. At the end of this season the refrigerator in the concession stand gave up. According to Amy, “The scoreboard is giving us some trouble. We are going to have to replace it or move it closer.” She went on to explain the “home” dugout is raised. There is at least 1 little league player with access issues to the high step dugout. Making that dugout more access friendly is another project the Fullers are working to accomplish.
They have the refrigerator.
In addition to the money raised from registration fees and concessions, minus prize money and other expenses of the tournament, one generous but anonymous donor contributed $500 to the organization at Security State Bank. It’s a great start, but a long way to go.
Seven teams from around the area participated. They are Benchwarmers, Only Cans, Misfits, Snyder Doors/HutchNSons, Bad Pitches, Sandlot Savages and Hits Different. First place with a $200 prize went to Snyder Doors/HutchNSons. Misfits claimed the $100 and second place. Third place went to Hits Different and $50.
The tournament brought a big crowd complete with campers and tents. Parking was full and there was a great crowd and a lot of players enduring 100 degree heat to get one last tournament in before the season ended.