South O’Brien School DistrictBoard of Education Regular Meeting/Public Hearing 06/26/2023 06:30 PM Conference Room Paullina Site
“Preparing students to be responsible citizens and lifelong learners.”
Voting Members
Gina Paulsen, Board President
Brenda Kruse, Board Member
Sue McCauley, Board Member
Beth Sibenaller-Woodall, Board Member
Non-Voting Members
Wade Riley, Superintendent
Aaron Giese, SBO/Board Secretary
Mari Radtke, Bell/Times/Courier
A. Call to Order
President Gina Paulsen called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM.
B. Roll Call and Declaration of Quorum
Gina Paulsen, Brenda Kruse, and Beth Sibenaller Woodall were present in person while Sue McCauley joined via phone. John Beck, Josh Raush, and Richard Radtke were not present.
Quorum established.
C. Adoption of Agenda
Motion made by: Beth Sibenaller-Woodall
Motion seconded by: Brenda Kruse
Unanimously Approved
D. Public Hearing
President Gina Paulsen declared the public hearing open at 6:31 PM.
- Consider Bids (Quotes) for the following:
a. Bakery Products
Motion to select Casey’s Bakery of Sioux Center, Iowa, as the district’s bakery products supplier for the 2023-2024 school year.
Motion made by: Brenda Kruse
Motion seconded by: Beth Sibenaller-Woodall
Unanimously Approved
b. Dairy Products
Motion to select Prairie Farms of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, as the district’s milk supplier for the 2023-2024 school year.
Motion made by: Beth Sibenaller-Woodall
Motion seconded by: Brenda Kruse
Unanimously Approved
President Gina Paulsen declared the public hearing closed at 6:34 PM.
E. Welcome and Delegation - Citizens who have a place on the agenda may address the board on an issue of their concern during the discussion of that issue. Citizens who do not have a place on the agenda may address the board on any issue of their concern during the open forum of the regular meeting.
- Open Forum: The board may allow up to five minutes for citizens to discuss school matters with the board. Personnel matters are not to be discussed by or considered by the board until adequately considered by the administration.
- The open meeting law requires the posting of the board agenda more than 24 hours prior to the scheduled meeting. Topics not included on the agenda may be added only if good cause exists requiring expeditious discussion and/or emergency action on such matters.
F. Consider Consent Items - Minutes of Previous Meeting
Motion made by: Sue McCauley
Motion seconded by: Beth Sibenaller-Woodall
Unanimously Approved - Financial Reports
a. Financial Statements
Board Secretary/SBO Aaron Giese provided the board with commentary on the school financials including receipts and expenditures, fund balances, and upcoming items to look for.
Motion made by: Beth Sibenaller-Woodall
Motion seconded by: Brenda Kruse
Unanimously Approved
b. Consider Payment of Invoices
Board Secretary/SBO Aaron Giese highlighted some invoices and expenses for the month and answered questions posed by board members.
Motion made by: Beth Sibenaller-Woodall
Motion seconded by: Sue McCauley
Unanimously Approved
G. Board Committee Reports
Kent Faust of South O’Brien Insurance provided to the board information about the district’s Fiscal Year 2024 insurance renewal through EMC Insurance.
H. Reports - District Discipline Report
Superintendent Riley presented to the board information on the district discipline report including office referrals broken down by several categories such as month, day of the week, student, time, behavior, etc. - Principals’ End-of-Year Reports
Superintendent Riley provided a report to the board compiled with information from Principal Denise Phillips regarding the end-of-year report for the junior high/high school. The information included building goals, academics, discipline, and student involvement. - Lau Plan
Superintendent Riley presented information to the board regarding the district’s Lau Plan concerning English Language Learner (ELL) students. - Reports by Administration
a. Directors
Superintendent Riley presented information to the board from the directors in the district including buildings, transportation, maintenance, nutrition, technology, and activities.
b. Elementary
Superintendent Riley presented an update to the board from the elementary including 21st-century skills, iReady performance, positive climate and culture, high performance and growth, and facilities.
c. Secondary
Superintendent Riley presented an update to the board from the secondary including building goals, 21st-century skills, positive climate and culture, and high performance and growth.
d. Superintendent
Superintendent Riley updated the board on a number of issues including the bond, summer projects, and calendar updates. - Recognition of Staff, Students and Patrons
See the school website and SO’ app for updates.
I. Unfinished Business
J. New Business - Consider Approval of District Insurance
Motion to approve the district insurance policy for Fiscal Year 2024 through EMC Insurance and South O’Brien Insurance.
Motion made by: Sue McCauley
Motion seconded by: Brenda Kruse
Unanimously Approved - Consider Approval of Fundraisers
Motion to approve a car wash to raise funds for the volleyball team as the lone new fundraiser for the 2023-24 school year.
Motion made by: Brenda Kruse
Motion seconded by: Beth Sibenaller-Woodall
Unanimously Approved - Consider Approval of 2023-2024 Registration Fees
Motion to approve the registration fees for the 2023-2024 school year.
Motion made by: Sue McCauley
Motion seconded by: Brenda Kruse
Unanimously Approved - Consider Approval of 2024 Drivers Education Fees
Motion to approve the Drivers Education Fees for the spring 2024 term.
Motion made by: Beth Sibenaller-Woodall
Motion seconded by: Sue McCauley
Unanimously Approved - Consider Approval of 2023-2024 Preschool, Elementary, and Secondary Student-Parent Handbooks & Coaches Handbook
Motion to approve the 2023-2024 handbooks for Pee Wee Paws Preschool, Little Paws Preschool, Elementary, Secondary, and Coaches.
Motion made by: Sue McCauley
Motion seconded by: Brenda Kruse
Unanimously Approved - Consider Approval of 2023-2024 Substitute Teacher/Paraprofessional Pay
Motion to approve increases to substitute teacher and substitute paraprofessional pay for Fiscal Year 2024.
Motion made by: Beth Sibenaller-Woodall
Motion seconded by: Sue McCauley
Unanimously Approved - Consider Approval of 2023-2024 Officials Pay
Motion to approve increases to officials’ pay for Fiscal Year 2024.
Motion made by: Sue McCauley
Motion seconded by: Brenda Kruse
Unanimously Approved - Consider Approval of Preschool Curriculum Purchase
Motion to approve a 3-year purchase of Creative Curriculum for the Preschool.
Motion made by: Sue McCauley
Motion seconded by: Brenda Kruse
Unanimously Approved - Consider Appointment of SO’ Board Member to the Swanson Sports Complex Commission
Motion to approve the appointment of board member John Beck to the Swanson Sports Complex Commission.
Motion made by: Sue McCauley
Motion seconded by: Beth Sibenaller-Woodall
Unanimously Approved
K. Personnel - Resignations
Aaron Giese – Assistant HS Track and Field Coach
Motion made by: Beth Sibenaller-Woodall
Motion seconded by: Brenda Kruse
Unanimously Approved - Employment of Staff
Reagan Klinker – FY24/25 Mentor Teacher
Taylor Steffens – Elementary Paraprofessional
Breanna Buenger – Elementary Paraprofessional
Tanner Hedberg – Summer Custodian
Daiana Hubers – Summer Custodian
Charlene Breitbarth – Summer Custodian
Charlene Breitbarth – Half-Time JH/HS Food Service
Rebecca Miller – Quiz Bowl Coach
Kim Poeckes – Speech Coach
Motion made by: Brenda Kruse
Motion seconded by: Beth Sibenaller-Woodall
Unanimously Approved
L. Communication - IASB Information
President Gina Paulsen encouraged board members to check out the resources on the IASB website.
M. Talking Points
Board members mentioned appreciation for the driver’s education department and their work with students. Also mentioned was the possible relocation of the South O’Brien Music Boosters can cage either on school or city property.
N. Consider Closed Session pursuant to Iowa Code 21.5(1)(i): To evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session.
Motion to enter into closed session at 7:28 PM.
Motion made by: Brenda Kruse
Motion seconded by: Beth Sibenaller-Woodall
Gina Paulsen – Yes
Brenda Kruse – Yes
Sue McCauley – Yes
Beth Sibenaller-Woodall – Yes
O. Adjournment
Re-enter into open session at 7:53 PM.
Roll Call
Beth Sibenaller-Woodall – Present
Sue McCauley – Present
Brenda Kruse – Present
Gina Paulsen – Present
Josh Rausch – Not Present
John Beck – Not Present
Richard Radtke – Not Present
Motion made by: Brenda Kruse
Motion seconded by: Beth Sibenaller-Woodall
Unanimously Approved
The meeting was adjourned at 7:54 PM.
Published in O’Brien County’s Bell-Times-Courier July 6, 2023