Sutherland, Iowa City Council Meeting – March 6, 2023 – 7:00 PM – 110 Ash Street – Meeting Room
Mayor Kay Gifford called the Public Hearing on the Designation of Expanded Sutherland Urban Renewal Area and on Proposed Urban Renewal Plan Amendment to order. Roll call showed councilmembers present were: Johanna Homan, Tyler Draper, Chase Cox and Patrick Nelson. Absent: Bruce Engelke. Others present were: Elijah Helton, Devon Jones, Landon Lenhart, Dan Friedrichsen, Elaine French, Nancy Hill, Richard Radtke, Anthony Larsen and Amanda Vanderhoff. There were no questions or comments. A motion was made by Draper seconded by Homan to adjourn from the public hearing. All in favor. Motion carried.
Mayor Kay Gifford called the council meeting to order. Roll call showed councilmembers present were: Johanna Homan, Tyler Draper, Chase Cox and Patrick Nelson. Absent: Bruce Engelke. Others present were: Elijah Helton, Devon Jones, Landon Lenhart, Elaine French, Nancy Hill, Richard Radtke, Anthony Larsen and Amanda Vanderhoff.
A motion was made by Homan seconded by Nelson to approve the agenda, previous minutes, and clerk’s report. Roll call: Ayes – Homan, Draper, Cox and Nelson. Absent: Engelke. Motion carried.
Ambulance Director Landon Lenhart was present to update council on the ambulance department. Dr. Murry, from Cherokee Regional Medical Center, is the new medical director. This will open up opportunities for the department to do EMS training with Cherokee. Landon also discussed what some volunteer departments are facing and different solutions. He explained with the gaps in coverage, some departments are hiring part-time or full-time ambulance directors. Others are starting to pay for on call time. This isn’t an immediate concern for Sutherland but something that needs to be addressed for the future. Mayor Gifford thanked Landon for all the work he does for the Sutherland Fire and Rescue.
No public comments.
Council reviewed the bills and asked a few questions. A motion was made by Homan seconded by Cox to pay the bills. Roll call: Ayes – Homan, Draper, Cox and Nelson. Absent: Engelke. Motion carried.
Economic Development report was given by Chase Cox. Spruce up Sutherland will follow the same timeline and rules as last year. The committee is looking into getting signs to advertise property for sale at the Industrial Park, Williams Addition, and Tiger Addition. The clerk is still waiting on information from Simmering-Cory Iowa Codification to move forward on the Urban Revitalization Plan.
Library report was given by Director Nancy Hill. Nancy read through the Director’s Report. Nancy informed council that she has decided not to retire this year. Council went over and had a few questions on quotes for the foundation issues. The clerk will have clarification on the quotes by the next meeting.
Devon Jones was present for the Fire and Ambulance Report. Devon informed about their progress on getting the ladder truck into service. They have been ordering equipment to stock the truck and they will be training with the Spencer Fire Department on how to operate it. There were 2 bids submitted for the Ambulance. The first bid was from Arrow for $16,550.00 and the second bid was from Emergency Remarking for $1,678.14. A motion was made Cox seconded by Draper to approve the bid from Arrow. Roll call: Ayes – Homan, Draper, Cox and Nelson. Absent: Engelke. Motion carried.
Officer Adam McQueen was not present for the police report.
Communications and topics for discussion.
A motion was made by Nelson seconded by Draper to approve Resolution 2023-16: “Resolution of the City Council of the City of Sutherland, Iowa. Approving the Plat of the Tiger Addition to the City of Sutherland, O’Brien County, Iowa, and Directing Certification”. Roll call: Ayes – Homan, Draper, Cox and Nelson. Absent: Engelke. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Cox seconded by Homan to approve Resolution 2023-17: “A Resolution to Declare Necessity and Establish an Urban Renewal Area, Pursuant to Section 403.4 of the Code of Iowa and Approve Urban Renewal Plan Amendment for the Sutherland Urban Renewal Area”. Roll call: Ayes – Homan, Draper, Cox and Nelson. Absent: Engelke. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Draper seconded by Cox to approve Ordinance 2023-002: “An Ordinance Providing for the Division of Taxes Levied on Taxable Property in the March, 2023 Addition to the Sutherland Urban Renewal Area, Pursuant to Section 403.19 of the Code of Iowa”. Roll call: Ayes – Homan, Draper, Cox and Nelson. Absent: Engelke. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Draper seconded by Homan to waive the 2nd reading of Ordinance 2023-002. Roll call: Ayes – Homan, Draper, Cox and Nelson. Absent: Engelke. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Homan seconded by Draper to waive the 3rd reading of Ordinance 2023-002. Roll call: Ayes – Homan, Draper, Cox and Nelson. Absent: Engelke. Motion carried.
The clerk went over the new budget rules for FY24.
A motion was made by Homan seconded by Draper to approve Resolution 2023-18: Resolution Setting a Time and Place for a Public Hearing on the City of Sutherland’s Proposed Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Budget.” Roll call: Ayes – Nelson, Draper, Cox, and Homan. Absent: Engelke. Motion carried.
Standing Committee Reports:
Water – 1,776,000 gallons. The clerk will call SCE to schedule a time to fix the water to the concession stand before little league starts.
Streets –Tony has started to patch the streets.
Sanitation (sewer) – 1,446,000 gallons to the ponds.
Town Property – The clerk attended a hearing on the property at 210 W 2nd Street. The property was awarded to the city. The process of taking bids for the property will start at the next meeting.
Park – Clerk will post job opening. Council also discussed possible repairs needed at the bus barn.
Weeds and Debris – No report.
Lights – Tony replaced all the lights on the Christmas Decorations.
Sanitary Service (garbage) – HHM Trailer will be scheduled for Friday, April 28, 2023 from 9:00 am – 11:00 am and Town Clean-up day is scheduled for Saturday, April 29, 2023.
A motion to adjourn was made by Draper seconded by Homan. All were in favor. Motion carried.
Mayor Kay Gifford
Amanda Vanderhoff City Clerk
Published in O’Brien County’s Bell-Times-Courier March 16, 2023