Past News From The Files Of The Sutherland Courier
1973 – 50 years ago
Mildred Abrahamson To Be Honored at O.E.S. Meeting Tuesday Night – Victory Chapter will meet Tuesday evening in regular session. Mrs. Mildred Abrahamson will be given special recognition on her appointment as Grand Representative to New Jersey. All members are urged to attend. Dinner will be at 7:00 p.m. with the meeting beginning at 8:00 o’clock.
MARKETS – Prices quoted were the latest available Wednesday morning and may not apply at any time later. This service is made possible through the courtesy of Sutherland Farmers Cooperative. 11:00 a.m. Wednesday, March 14 Corn 1.22, beans 6.00, and oats .90.
Bake Sale, Rummage Sale & Coffee, Sat., March 17 – The Sutherland Woman’s Club is sponsoring a ‘bake sale, rummage sale and coffee on St. Patrick’s Day, Saturday, March 17, at the former Bargain Box building. They will be open for business at 9:00 a.m., and wall serve until after the drawing in the afternoon. So, win or lose at the drawing, meet your friends at the Woman’s Club sale and enjoy a cup of coffee.
Many Awards Presented At Blue & Gold Banquet – The Sutherland Cub Scout Blue and Gold Banquet was held on the evening of February 28, 1973, at the Sutherland Legion Community Building. Approximately 120 were in attendance. Louis Ferguson of Midwest Children’s Home at Brook, was speaker of the evening. Cub Scout Steve Bina welcomed the guests. His farther, Greg Bina, responded on behalf of ithe guests. Rev. Wm. Roickhoff asked grace. The cubs who received their Wolf badges were Alan Leonard, Curtis Mills, Jay Freeman, Daran Huffman, and Floyd Woodyard. Receiving Boar badges were Jeff Burns, David Youde, Joel Guthridge, Richard Foley, Troy Sohn, and Brian McCormack. GoJd arrows were earned by Jeff Bums, David Youde and Brian McCormack. Brian McCormack also received his silver arrow. Jeff Burns and David Youde went into Webelos. John Brink and Donald – Schuknecht graduated from Cub Scouts.
1983 – 40 years ago
Mike Hoeppner Opens Agency – Mike Hoeppner of Okoboji opened the Executive Land Investments-Mike Hoeppner Agency this past week in the Okoboji Plaza. Executive Land Investments will list lakeshorc, residential and farmland realty as well as specializing in agriculture and investment opportunities in Iowa and surrounding states. Executive Land Investments will also complete market studies for business and industries.
Pony Express Riders Dance March 19 Jim Reimann of Primghar has been named the 1983 Pony Express Co-chairman for O’Brien County by the Board of Directors of the statewide volunteer organization. According to Mark Muhlenbruch. of Dows, president of the Pony Express Riders of Iowa, Inc., “Reimann will organize and coordinate O’Brien County activities during the coming weeks for the 15th annual “RIDE THAT CRIPPLED CHILDREN CAN WALK.” One of the first activities will be a benefit dance March 19 at the Paullina Legion Hall. Playing will be the Country Western Band, The Rounders of Lakefield, Minn. Members of the Town & Country Saddle Club will be selling tickets for the dance and also the state wide raffle of a Kiefer 6×16 stock trailer or $2,500.00.
Dinner Theater Tickets at Gary’s TV – Tickets for the drama department’s 8th annual dinner theatre production of “Give My Regards to Broadway” arc now available at Gary’s TV in Sutherland. The cast invites you to join them for an evening of fun. On Friday. March 25 and Saturday. March 2b the evenings begin with dinner being served from 6.00 – 7:15.